v Borena Kunze - Cloud Engineering | Data Science


DevOps | Data Science .


Dedicated IT professional with growing work experience and qualifications in Cloud Engineering and Programming (specialising in Python, R, and SQL). Multi-lingual (English, German, Italian,) and with strong communication skills, I am also a qualified and experienced teacher. Committed to further professional development as DevOps Engineer.

Fields of Interest

Data Science

Having graduated from Keele university with a Postgrad Cert in MSc Data Science with AI, I develop data science projects with great interest in AI and Natural Language Processing.

Cloud Engineering

Certified as AWS SysOps Administrator and Hashicorp Terraform Associate. Working towards the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam.


DevOps Engineer training with K21 Academy. DevOps mindset and tools, CI/CD, Blue Green Deployment, Ubuntu, YAML basics for Docker and Kubernetes. Quick demonstration of a Continuous Delivery Pipeline in the Projects section.

  • Work Experience

    Cloud Engineer at Tribal Group (2021-2024): Supervised cloud infrastructure on AWS, VMWare, and Azure platforms, ensuring optimal functionality and customer satisfaction, utilized Terraform for AWS environment provisioning.

    Conducting Data Science and DevOps Projects independently following the move from a successful career in culture and education.

    Data Analyst internship at KPMG: Completed Data Insight Module, targeting high-value customers based on customer demographics and attributes, creating segmented, data driven presentations with real model KPMG solutions.

    Outreach Officer at Dudley Museums: Leading guided tours of the Museum and hands-on creative workshops for art and heritage.

    Academic Coach at Shireland Collegiate Academy: Fully digitized 200 pages of learning content for the Humanities department, creating engaging resources for digital classroom learning and online revision.

  • Education

    Postgraduate Certificate in MSc Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence at the Keele University, School of Computing and Mathematics

    MA Fine Arts at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany

    MProf in Education at Marin Barleti University

    Studies of Philosophy (Logic) and Italian Language and Literature, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf

ProjectsDevOps NLP Python

  • CI/CD Pipeline with GitLab

    Build-Test-Deploy Example project, Step by step Wiki created with Notion. WIP

    Sentiment Analysis

    Analysing Amazon reviews on software related purchases

    Linux Projects

    Troubleshooting Network issues.

    Script to copy files and apply a change.

  • Library Software Project

    Python Program which extracts information from three csv files each containing data on the library's book inventory, members and the recent book loans. Calculates most popular books, book genres and subgenres, average loan time, average late period. Allows application for membership, loaning books and sends notifications and fines

    Continuous Delivery Pipeline on AWS

    Using Git, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodePipeline


    Creating Chatbots with Python, OpenAI, AWS and Terraform

    -updating- Terraform configuration to create a serverless architecture, deploys a chatbot via AWS Lambda and API Gateway, facilitating interaction between the bot and external requests.

    Wiki created with Notion


  • Team Member

    Borena Kunze

    Cloud Engineer, Data Scientist, Teacher and Translator with a passion for languages and how they impact our life.

  • Team Member

    Borena Kunze

    Skills: Python, R, SQL, Terraform, AWS, Azure, VMWare, DevOps

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Stourbridge, UK

Pre-Settled Status and UK work permit available

München, DE

German nationality and EU work permit available


UK +44 (0)7712 257 501

D +49 (0)172 9373 506

I +39 349 468 3042